
We listen & answer your questions

 We are constantly updating the questions that our customers have regarding our services. You will find many of these answered below. 

How do I plan and order curbing

Give us a call at 905-220-7996 or go to our estimate request form . Someone will be in touch with you imediately. 

Does your curb need a sand or gravel base?

NO. These materials are used for drainage or fill under slabs. As the curb is narrow, it does not need drainage. Curb “floats” on the ground, and is not load-bearing, so it does not need a special base. Well compacted topsoil is adequate. Curbing puts no more load on the soil than a row of bricks.

What is involved in the curbing process? is it messy, etc…?

It is a minimally invasive process. There is some cleanup after the concrete has cured a day or two.

Does the curb crack?

There are “good cracks” and “bad cracks” . The good ones happen at the control joints. The curb is supposed to crack at the “control joints” which we put approximately every 18″. The bad cracks are between joints and sometimes open up a bit.  People are referring to the bad cracks when they ask if curb cracks. Yes it can crack, as all concrete does. Just like sidewalks, curbs almost always crack somewhere besides at a control joint, yet they continue to perform well.

We do a lot to minimize cracking which mainly happens in the first 4 days of curing.  Using the horizontal steel option keeps the cracked pieces together. If you water the curb during the curing process, it helps minimize curing shrinkage which is the main cause of cracks in all concrete. This is why they often flood bridge decks under water to cure them right after being poured.  If you have some cracks develop, don’t panic! It does not mean that the curb will crumble into oblivion next year. Very rarely do new cracks develop after the first year. Even if cracks do appear, they can be safely ignored. If grass is growing into cracks, you can stop this by simply filling the crack with inexpensive caulking available at any building centre.   

Does the curb “heave”?

NO. In general, Curb does not heave any more than your sidewalk does. The ground moves up and down an inch or two with wet/dry, freeze/thaw cycles, so the sidewalks and curbs move with it.  Curb is not as massive as a sidewalk, so it is somewhat more vulnerable to damage. Having responded to a few calls about “heaving”, we have found that most of the time, this is actually caused by driving on the curb with a vehicle.

Tree roots and mushy wet ground conditions can lift the curb, but otherwise it stays put, floating with the freeze thaw cycles in the ground. Steel cable reinforcement installed with the curb can reduce issues where curb may be subject to settling or heaving forces. Curb that has shifted for whatever reason can be realigned by prying it up and packing material underneath. PL Premium construction adhesive can be used to  glue separated ends together .

How does it compare regarding COST and QUALITY?

Plastic edging installed by a landscaper costs $5.00 per foot or more, and often comes out of the ground. Aluminum edging installed is about $10 per foot.  These have no margin, so the wheels or blade of your mower run into it, or into your beds.

Landscapers charge upwards of 20 per foot for  paver materials and installation. Pavers look good the first two years, then the grass grows into every crack, and you will regret you installed all those little blocks! Our curb installed costs much less than the common smooth edge and cobble combination,  but outlasts it many times over.

When you use block or brick products, the materials alone can cost you more per foot than our installed curb, and installation can be a TEDIOUS job!

Why does your curb cost so much less?

Simply stated;  have a better more efficient system of production,  and far more experience, so we can offer a better price. Our machinery is properly sized, powered and custom built with numerous improvements over off the shelf equipment. We use only the best materials, and have a superior concrete mix. We cut no corners on quality ingredients. Our concrete has been independetly tested at 45mpa.


Do you have a minimum charge?

We do not charge a minimum-  but realistically, it’s tough to fit you in for less than 50 feet of curb. We do small jobs to fill out our workdays, and to get our name into new neighbourhoods.

How does your curb differ from others?

Our curb is made with a similar process, but most franchise systems originate in and are designed for the southern USA climate; whereas ours is a local product, specifically designed for, and proven for 20 years in the northern climates. 

Some installers use a “mortar” mix which lacks strength, with a thin high strength slurry coating. It will look good for a couple of years then will erode, spall, or crack more easily than our concrete.  Our concrete is stronger, and we use integral colour throughout the mix, not just in the slurry coat on top. It is misleading to say one uses “integral colour” when in reality it is only coloured in the slurry coat.

Can you get into a small yard?

Our machines are about the size of a snowblower. We can get through gates as small as 26- 30″ wide or less.

Can I do curbing when I already have grass in my yard?

Yes! We can do the sod cutting as required to reshape, enlarge or create new bed areas. We install the curb, and you finish by topping up your beds with soil, mulch or rock products. Curbing is a great way to give a fresh new look to your landscape.  The improvement to your yard is always dramatic.

Does the Curb stop grass from migrating into bed areas?

YES. Cultured grass sends runners only about 1-2″ at a time, so it cannot migrate under the curb. However, quackgrass cannot be stopped so easily. It helps to use a top quality landscape fabric in the bed areas to stop quackgrass from growing into the bed areas. Keep in mind, grass also migrates by seeding in the mowing process. A bit of Roundup sprayed sparingly two or three times a season  in the bed areas seems to be needed to keep beds looking clean.

Does the Curb require sealant?

YES if it is stamped.  Unstamped smooth finish curb does not require sealant. You may apply one if you wish, (see links for suppliers) but our strong mix is very resistant to fading or spalling. We do apply sealant to all stamped curbs, as it preserves the stamping colour(s) in the concrete. You need to re-seal stamped curb before winter and after that every two or three years. 

Does the curb come in colours?

YES. Unlike some, who tint only the top surface of the concrete, which can chip off, we tint the concrete all the way through.  This is referred to as integral colour. 

Do you design the curb layout?

YES. See our galleries . We can come to your place for a free estimate, help you to plan attractive shapes for the bed areas and leave you with a firm price. NO SURPRISES, no hidden charges.  Some curbers can’t  seem to create nice designs.  

How long does it last?

A very long time. 20 years or more is common with basic care. With NO care it will overgrow with grass and weeds in 3-5 years, but can be recovered by proper edging and sealing. Continuous curbing is an investment in a product as durable as a concrete sidewalk. The main risk is driving over it when the ground is soggy.   If this happens the sections can usually be adjusted into alignment with a spade and some soil or sand.

How do you manage debris?

We make every effort to manage the debris that naturally occurs from cement work. In most cases; debris from installation can easily be placed in a garden bag and left for disposal at the home. When requested we will dispose of any heavy materials that we remove to install the curb.

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